Country: Italy
Year: 2022
Duration: 12'

The 1980s, the Tuscan countryside. Two young lovers are driving east to enjoy the dawn but they end up at the scene of a crime and become the new target of the criminals.


film director

Filippo Valsecchi

(Rome, Italy, 1996) is an Italian artist and musician. He moved at a young age to the United Kingdom, where he founded the record label Papaya Records, which published his debut album Filo Vals in January 2021. Besides composing and writing music, he is also involved in the visuals, making video clips that he creates, directs, and performs. KM9 is his first short film.


KM9 (cm, 2022).


film director

“Three years ago, a few days before Christmas, I turned on the phone to read the news, like I always do as soon as I wake up. I had recently returned to Rome from England, where I was working at the time, to see my family. But I was struck by a terrible piece of news: during the night, two young people, only sixteen years old, were hit by a car driven by a twenty-year-old. The fatality of the moment, the dramatic synchronicity of the events or their randomness that lands us in a domino effect of a destiny that is completely beyond our control was the starting point when I wrote this story. The initial cue was my profound fear of finding myself in the wrong place at the wrong time and of turning my life upside down. This was the reason I wrote this story and wanted to bring it to the screen: the story of two young people who are free and in love, who want to enjoy the sunrise by the sea, something I have personally always loved doing.”


& Credits

DIRECTOR, SCREENPLAY: Filippo Valsecchi. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Davide Manca. FILM EDITING: Pietro Morana. PRODUCTION DESIGN: Andrea Urso. COSTUME DESIGN: Stefano Giovani. MUSIC: Filo Vals. SOUND: Marco Pagliarin. CAST: Alice Benvenuti, Giovanni Toscano, Roberto Zibetti, Giuseppe Lo Piccolo, Giusi Merli. PRODUCERS: Gabriella Buontempo, Massimo Martino, Mario Gianani, Lorenzo Gangarossa. PRODUCTION: Clemart e Wildside. CO-PRODUCTION: Capri Entertainment.

Daniela Masciale - [email protected]